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On October 11 and 12, 2023, it finally took place. The Digital Procurement World 2023 (DPW for short) in Amsterdam. This event was clearly one of our special highlights this year. Under the motto "Make Tech Work", over 5,000 participants from more than 90 countries met at the Beurs van Berlage. We are still excited about the way the event went and want to give you a little insight.
The recurring topics of digitization and automation of procurement were also very strongly represented here. Particular attention was paid to creating transparency and data quality in order to exploit the full potential of AI technology. Many companies showed great interest in the technology of the future, but face the challenge of building up the necessary database and thus having enough [transparency in procurement]((https://scalue.com/de/blog/die-5-transparenzlevel-wie-sie-mehr-transparenz-in-ihren-einkauf-erhalten).
A remarkable highlight was the extraordinary openness and concrete advance planning of the international visitors. Many procurement managers approached the exhibiting companies with concrete challenges. Many brought prepared presentation slides and use cases with them.
These specific inquiries made it possible to clarify directly whether the company inquired about was the solution or whether the procurement manager would move on. We are very pleased that we were able to benefit from the decision-making process. Through these clear inquiries, Samir Kharkan was able to generate a considerable number of international leads for us. We look forward to continuing the discussions and the opportunity to expand our business internationally.
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Another highlight were the "brain dates". Each exhibiting company had the opportunity to organize small side events. SCALUE's Braindate topic was "The Silent Saboteur: Poor Spend Transparency & Data Quality Can Make or Break Your Performance". This generated a lot of interest and a wonderful exchange with other industry experts, which led to valuable insights.
Besides all the new international faces it was also nice to meet some old acquaintances again "live and in color". Besides Andreas Zimmermann, Ronny Denk, Fabian Heinrich, Moritz Weiermann, also Falk Eiling, Robert Heinlein, James Meads, Stephan Willigens, Dr. Karsten Machholz, Simon Jaehnig, Gregory N. Vider, Markus Sinz, Matthias Toepert, Lukas Wawrla, Heiko Schwarz, Karthik Rama and many more.
beginning left Frank Sundermann, Samir Kharkan, Sebastian Sachs, Aiko Wiegand und Koray Köse
The internationality and openness of the DPW visitors remains one of the highlights of 2023 for us, to put it in Samir's words: "I was very impressed by the openness of the procurement managers to work with startups in small sprints based on use cases. I would like to see more of that for the events in the DACH region as well."
Overall, DPW Amsterdam 2023 was an extremely successful event for SCALUE. We are happy about the results achieved and are looking forward to the upcoming challenges and opportunities in the world of procurement. We would like to thank the organizers and all participants for this unique event!
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